Working Through Life - Leticia's Podcast
Life is precious!
On this podcast, with invited guests and unfiltered raw stories from individuals we will share the many different ways you can feel inspired to be connected to your true self.
I have had some life changing experiences and growth that has made me more aware that life is so precious. We should be creating a life that makes us happy, whole and loved. Life should not be wasted, but embraced to live with pride, grace and purpose.
If you have experienced a loss of a loved one by suicide, illness, unexpected death, or perhaps delt with someone facing Dementia? Or have gone through a divorce that has given you a new path? I want people to know that in the midst of one the saddest and difficult times of their lives, they are not alone.
Episodes will relay heartfelt stories, self-care awareness, and provide encouragement to help build a life filled with peace, purpose, and hope.
Believe that the love, cherished stories, and gifts your loved ones left behind will forever reside in your heart.
If you like what you hear, please subscribe and leave a review and share my podcast with others.
You can also join me on Instagram @workingthroughlife_ll or
Working Through Life - Reflect Renew Transform

Trailer: New Series -- Working Through Life

Melt Anxiety, Stress and Feeling Overwhelmed - Kathryn Chess Episode 8

Heartbreaking Losses - Suicide and COVID, Orly Atlaras Episode #7 - Part 3 of 3

They Still Have Love to Give - Anywhere and Anytime, Orly Atlaras, Episode #7 Part 2 of 3

Not a Coincidence - They are smiles and winks! Orly Atlaras, Episode #7 Part 1 of 3
Transformational Journeys - Christine Winebrenner Irick, Episode #6

Suicide and Mental Health - You are not alone! Tanya Allaire Episode #5

Important Pillars for Wellness - Inge Bender Episode #4

Mini Episode #2 - Life with Leticia

Mindfulness - Joy MacPherson Episode #3

Mini Episode #1 - Life with Leticia

Navigating Through Cancer and Grief - Heather Leonard Episode #2

Vernita Bowe - Working Through Life / Vernita Inspires

Trailer: Working Through Life - After a loss of a loved one