Working Through Life - Leticia's Podcast

Heartbreaking Losses - Suicide and COVID, Orly Atlaras Episode #7 - Part 3 of 3

Leticia Season 1 Episode 7

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Welcome back to episode #7, part 3! 

In my ongoing interview with spiritual medium Orly Altaras, I asked her what her thoughts were on losing someone to suicide and COVID.   

I believe you will appreciate Orly's  honest, compassionate, and sincere response.  I hope you will find her insight interesting and helpful, as I did.  With this awareness and the beliefs that I've grown up with, I know and feel that love never dies and that what we do for ourselves now is in honor of them.
ALL  losses are heartbreaking and I want to express my heartfelt condolences to you and your family after a loss of a loved one. Since for some, these are difficult topics to discuss or ask about. I hope that you will find more comfort, clarity and peace after listening to Orly's insight in this ending segment of episode #7

It is important to do what is comfortable for our own lives, yet live our life to its fullest to show our loved ones that we are thankful for all the love they have given us. 

Thank you for listening to the end of this episode!!

Please forward this episode to your family and friends so that they can listen to this heartfelt topic!!  

If you would like to hear more episodes from Working Through Life - Podcast with Leticia, please subscribe, follow or leave a review on this episode.

You can follow me on Facebook and Instagram.  Together we can create a comfortable, safe place with others who also are working through life after a loss of a loved one.  Our community is a place to be inspired, encouraged and introduced to self-care practices that can bring you peace, clarity and hope.  

I hope we can connect and you will join this new group.

Peace and  Love - Leticia

Orly Narkiss Altaras, Spiritual Medium:   @laraandlou

*If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255).*


The content and views expressed from guests and host are for informational purposes only. Consult your qualified personal healthcare provider for any questions or advice. Some episodes may contain conversations about personal experiences of a loss of a loved one and other upsetting topics.

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